We offer two different group rates at Coyote Rock Gym depending on the size of your group, and the time that you would like to come into the gym. All groups must be booked at least 1 week in advance of your session.
Off-Hours Groups
If you have more than 12 participants you need to come in before/after the gym is open. Usually a Saturday or Sunday* between 9:00-11:00 or 8:00-10:00 or Monday to Friday any time up to about 1:00 pm (ending at 3:00 pm). The cost for a group during hours the gym is not normally open would be $25 per person with a $250.00 minimum. This includes shoe and harness rental, and the Introductory course for all climbers and belayers who are 14 and older.
This pricing does not apply to school groups, please email CoyoteRockGymManager@gmail.com if you are inquiring on behalf of a school.
*note there are no Saturday or Sunday morning groups from September to June while we offer our Youth Program
Normal Business Hours Groups
If you have between 6 and 12 participants then you can come in during normal business hours. You still have to book at least 1 week ahead!!
The cost for a group of this size during business hours is $20.00 per climber. This includes shoe and harness rental, and the Introductory course for all climbers and belayers who are 14 and older.
If you have less than 12 participants but don’t mind paying the $250 minimum you may instead book a group during hours the gym is not open as above.
General Group Information
Groups are booked in 2 hour blocks of time. You must book your group at least 1 week in advance.
To save time at the front desk, please have all members of your group read, and sign a waiver before coming to the gym. Children (under 18) must have a waiver signed by a parent/legal guardian. You can sign the online waiver here.
As well, you have to be 14 or older belay (person who works the safety equipment – a lesson on how to belay safely is free). If your group of kids are under age 14, we require one parent to work the safety equipment for every 3 or 4 kids. Please read through the First Time Climber section of the website for general new climber info.
If you wish to book a session please email CoyoteRockGymManager@gmail.com. We only book groups in person at the desk or via email.
When you book a group, you will be asked to provide the following:
- Group name
- Contact person & phone number
- Date & time requested
- Number and age of participants
It is also advisable to call a few days in advance of your group’s arrival to confirm your date, time and number of participants.